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Vegetable seedling - gardening
Plants are cultivated here year-round in 29 greenhouse sections on nearly 5 hectares.
Sector f - former military area with bugging system
Former military installation on the high plateau of the Hohenbogen in the Bavarian Forest. Postmodern bugging - weir system.
Teisbach Castle
Gothic castle in Dingolfing
St Sebastian's Church
Late Gothic church in Ingolstadt
Waste recycling plant Ingolstadt
A large industrial facility that has been used as a film location several times.
Höppner House
House on a set street of Bavaria Film City.
Dachau Courtyard Garden
Baroque courtyard garden in front of Dachau Palace with adjoining English garden.
Niederdorf tavern and ale-house
Inn and beer garden with its own chapel in the hills of Dachau.
Schoerghof Estate
Landwirtschaftliches Anwesen / Pferdehof / Gut mit Stallungen, Wohngebäuden, Jagdhaus, Klettergarten, Teich, Wiesen, Wälder, Alpakas.
Ruhpolding Glockenschmiede
Open-air Blacksmiths Museum with several buildings from the 17th century located at the head of the valley with mountain stream.
Ferienpark Vorauf
Holiday park with a view to the Chiemgau Alps
Upper Castle Schloss Mitwitz
Baroque castle in the simple Italian style on 2.8 hectares of grounds.