Bavaria Film set up the backdrop of a courtroom in a full set as a fixed standard decoration. The courtroom, located in the upper floor of the prison in “Munich Street” at the Geiselgasteig film studio, boasts a solid, high-quality wood paneling. The festive hall of approx. 100 square meters can easily also be used as a library, ballroom, an exclusive office, or for other backdrops. As opposed to comparable original locations, which are generally only available on weekends, the courtroom at Bavaria Film City can be rented any time. In addition, it offers all the advantages of the studio, from good parking facilities to direct proximity to the light, stage, and camera warehouse and to costumes and props provided by FTA Film- und Theaterausstattung. Because of the low rental price, the courtroom backdrop is also suitable for small-scale and spontaneous shoots.
Technical information
Capacity / Logistics
Size: approx. 180 square meters. Parking at the set and direct access by car are possible. The courtroom is located on the Munich Street set.
Power supply
63 A (billing after consumption)
Bavaria Film GmbH Bavaria Filmstadt
Herr Robert Eldredge
Bavariafilmplatz 7
82031 Geiselgasteig
Bavariafilmplatz 7
82031 Geiselgasteig