Ehrenburg Palace
The exterior of the three-winged complex in the heart of Cobourg is both elegant and glamorous. In the 19th century, Ehrenburg Palace was the respectable stage for one of the most well-known noble personalities: Queen Victoria, monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland welcomed rulers and dignitaries from around the world to this palace. With its neo-Gothic facade, the former city residence of the Cobourg dukes still fascinates visitors today. Built in 1543, the exterior of the palace has been modified many times over the centuries. Ehrenburg Palace only took on its current appearance, with a English neo-Gothic style, in the 19th century thanks to the designs of the Prussian architect Karl Friedrich Schinkel (1810).

Technical information
Capacity / Logistics
Power supply
Coburg Marketing
Herr Michael Selzer
Marketing Coburg
Herrngasse 4
96450 Coburg
Ehrenburg Palace
Schloßplatz · 96450 Coburg
Bayerische Schlösserverwaltung
Öffentlichkeitsarbeit / Referat ZL 9